Consultation: Review of ACT Government Events and Festivals

The ACT Government has engaged Peter Loxton and Associates Pty Ltd to review the ACT Government’s events and festivals. This review will provide the opportunity to explore the economic and social potential of events to the ACT and identify a unified vision for events and festivals in Canberra that reflects the essence of Canberra’s values, attributes, and experiences. It will also consider Government and business partnerships, as well as the most effective organisational arrangements for delivering the ACT Government’s events and festivals strategies. If you are involved in the events and festivals sector and are interested in attending a Stakeholder …

WIN News: Appeal Averted (Australian Heritage Village Redevelopment, Watson)

WIN News ran a piece on 11 March 2010 about how a legal challenge to the redevelopment on the Australian Heritage Village site has been averted: [youtube]c3KlOZEnSH4&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube] Note: copyright of the material in the video clips resides with the WIN Television. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: WIN News (Canberra) – 26 November 2009

Call for applications: 2010-2011 ACT Heritage Grants Program (closing 07 May 2010)

The ACT Heritage Grants Program assists the community in conserving and promoting the heritage of the ACT. Applications for the 2010-2011 round are open to individuals, community groups and incorporated non-profit or private organisations. Information and application forms can be obtained by phoning 6207 2160 or by visiting Applications close 5.00pm on Friday 7 May 2010.

Crimestoppers: Police investigating incident in Turner (07 March 2010)

ACT Policing is currently investigating an incident in Condamine Street, Turner that occurred early this morning (7 March). Around 12.50am, police responded after receiving reports that two males had been stabbed following a fight at the location. ACT Ambulance Service treated three males at the scene before transporting them to the Canberra Hospital.

Presentation: Dick Smith on population at the Canberra Club (10 March 2010)

The Australia Institute and Sustainable Population Australia will host a speech by Dick Smith on Wednesday, 10 March. Dick will discuss ‘Population: the elephant in the room we have ignored for too long’. “Australia’s population is set to explode, reaching at least 36 million by 2050. As it stands, our population is already growing faster than any developed nation, and faster than countires like China, India and Indonesia. If we maintain this rate of growth in the years to come, I believe it will be a disaster. The way of life we love in Australia will be forever changed as we …