North Canberra Community Council

About NCCC

Our vision is to make the North Canberra region a better place to live. We regularly engage with our constituents to ensure that we fully understand their views and we actively represent these to Government. We willingly challenge any decisions that potentially lessen the well-being the members of our community through official, political and legal means as necessary.

Click to view our constitution. 

The North Canberra Community Council has a committee that is elected annually by the community of North Canberra. NCCC will consider all sides and positions on community issues and will endeavour to convey the concerns of the community to the government.

The committee comprises:

  • Chairperson – Jochen Zeil – Email:
  • Deputy Chairperson – Vacant
  • Secretary – Ian Hubbard – Email:
  • Treasurer – Bruce Smith – Email:
  • Media coordinator: Marcus Hipkins – Email:
  • Committee Members:
    • Ainslie:    Marcus Hipkins, Ian Hubbard
    • Braddon:  Ernestine Kirsch
    • Campbell Comm. Assoc.:    Margaret Dudley
    • Dickson Residents Group:   Jane Goffman
    • Downer Comm. Assoc.:    Leon Arundell
    • Hackett Comm. Assoc.:    Chris Mobbs ; Brook Clinton
    • Lyneham Comm. Assoc.:    Jayne Roberts, Trevor Vickers
    • O’Connor: Stephen Goodwin
    • Reid Resident Assoc.:     Marianne Albury-Colless
    • Turner:  Neil Parsons
    •  Watson Comm. Assoc.:    Simon Clarke

    NCCC Working Groups:

    NCCC supports several working groups, specifically with attendance by a NCCC Committee Member or ordinary member as a representative on the working group. The working groups evolve and change on an as needs basis.

    Examples include:

    • Section 72 Dickson Working Group
    • The Canberra Airport Aircraft Noise Consultative Forum.
    • Transport Working Group
    • The Hackett Round Table Working Group

    The committee manages the day to day operations of the NCCC. This involves attending meetings to represent the community, dealing with phone calls, emails, letters and responses to submissions.

    Members can nominate for a position on the Committee. Nominations for Committee positions should be signed by a Nominator and a Seconder, and accepted by the Nominee, as per the Committee Nomination Form. The Signed nomination forms should be submitted to the Secretary a week or more prior to the Annual General Meeting. Click for a nomination form.

There are no membership fees for the NCCC and any resident of North Canberra is able to contact the NCCC to seek assistance or advice. All members of the committee are volunteers and no one receives payment for any activities.

Click to view our constitution. 

Application for Membership

Subrule 5 (1) of the North Canberra Community Council Constitution
Membership is open to all North Canberra residents aged 18 years and over, and to
other persons subject to the approval of the committee.

Application for Membership

Subrule 5 (1) of the North Canberra Community Council Constitution Membership is open to all North Canberra residents aged 18 years and over, and to other persons subject to the approval of the committee.

I/we, of

Am over the age of 18 years, hereby apply to become a member (s) of the above-named incorporated council. I/we agree to be bound by the rules of the NCCC for the time being in force.

(Signature of applicant – not required when lodging on-line.

Alternatively, complete this  form and post it to NCCC

Unless advertised differently, meetings occur on the third WEDNESDAY night as per the schedule below.  The monthly meeting will alternate between Committee Meetings and General Meetings. Any member of the NCCC or the public may attend Committee Meetings as an observer.

Guest speakers on relevant topics are invited regularly.

Meeting details are on our Meetings page

Other Meetings:
The Committee members of NCCC attend a range of meetings to communicate the aims and objectives of the Council. Examples include:

  • The Community Councils Forum hosted by the ACT Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services.
  • The Planning and Development Forum (ACT Planning and Land Authority);
  • Meetings with Ministers and MLA’s in the ACT Legislative Assembly
  • ACT Planning and Land Authority information sessions; and
  • Seminars and briefings given by consultants to the ACT Government.

The North Canberra Community Council (NCCC) is recognised by the ACT Government as a peak community body representing the interests of the local residents, businesses and organisations within the Inner North region of Canberra with the ACT Government. We are made up of passionate volunteers who care about our community.NCCC works cooperatively with local community groups including :

Also check under your Suburb to see additional detail and local groups.

Contact us at have your community group linked to NCCC

The North Canberra Community Council strives to communicate with residents, politicians and staff in government departments and agencies. We also actively seek to communicate with other community organisations operating in North Canberra. NCCC has a variety of methods of publicising its activities and communicating with residents.

Press releases are sent to the media to cover significant issues and events. An electronic newsletter is sent to those who supply their email address to the NCCC via our email address at or by using our on-line contact form. A website is maintained at and you can also subscribe to items by using our RSS feed.

Draft North Canberra Community Council digital communication policies and procedures

  • Recordings of general meeting presentations will ordinarily be made public on the NCCC’s YouTube channel 24 hours after the close of the meeting.
    • Recordings are intended to make meetings accessible to people who are unable to attend the meeting or view the live stream.
    • Meeting participants may view a recording of a live stream before it is made public. Requests for such a viewing may be made to the NCCC Media Coordinator
    • Requests may be made to the NCCC Media Coordinator that a segment of a recording not be made public. The NCCC Media Coordinator may decide not to make the segment public if the privacy, legal or other reason for restricting public access to the segment outweighs the benefits of public access to the full meeting recording.
  • Meeting agendas and approved minutes of meetings will be forwarded by the NCCC Secretary to the website manager (and copied to the NCCC Media Coordinator) to be available on the NCCC website. Any other newsworthy material may be sent to the Media Coordinator for inclusion on the NCCC website or other media platforms as appropriate.

Follow Us:

NCCC publishes a Statement of Principles highlighting our key areas of focus ahead of the next ACT election.

 The NCCC has published a Statement of Principles that highlights the key policy areas and positive outcomes that the NCCC wants to see greater political focus on.

The Principles are intended to help new members and NCCC stakeholders to better understand the key policy priorities for the NCCC and, with the 2024 ACT Election campaign fast approaching, the NCCC will also be asking our ACT Election candidates about how their policy platforms can deliver on these priorities.

NCCC Statement of Principles on the key priorities for North Canberra

 The NCCC advocates for policies for North Canberra that:

Building standards and architectural design - provide high standards for architectural design that respects environment and neighbourhood (including for solar access and privacy) and effective regulation for developers and the construction industry

Strategic planning - ensure major new developments are subject to a strong compliance regime and are considered holistically with all other developments in the same area in order to ensure a commensurate increase in amenities such as parking, bike paths, shops, schools, playgrounds and areas for recreation

Environmental - establish North Canberra as having world-leading planning rules for enshrining environmental values in publicly and privately-owned land, with a biodiversity network, protection of parks and green spaces for community use into the future, living infrastructure, and climate resilience as overarching guiding principles

Social housing - support the construction of high-quality, energy efficient, attractive community-building social housing in North Canberra, particularly in areas near public transport and services

Affordable housing - better position North Canberra to offer small-footprint housing options (for both renters and homeowners) that can cater for people on a broad range of income levels

Community consultation - provide avenues for genuine, early and ongoing consultation and dialogue between the community and planning and other government authorities

Building community - support residents to come together to build the social infrastructure, culture and connections that help to build a sense of community and foster discussion on local issues of shared interest