Ainslie Volcanic DA cannot be reviewed by ACAT

NCCC has received legal advice that: “Under the ACT legislation this structure is a class 10b and so it is only required for notification under s153 but to be reviewable by ACAT a development application in the Merit Track under s162 has to be notified under both s 153 and 155. When only notified under s 153 it is not enough to be a reviewable decision by ACAT.” We note, however, that the ACT Planning and Land Authority appears to be unaware of reviewable processes: (1) Documents from Planning and Land Authority gave no indication that DA 202342438 was not …

Ainslie Tower

There is a better location for this ugly telecommunications tower

The ACT Government’s Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) has approved the construction of a 28m telecommunications tower on the corner of Limestone Avenue and Quick St.

Ainslie Neighbours and interested parties

We are very concerned about the prospect of a base mobile Telecommunications Tower being situated by Indara Digital Infrastructure for OPTUS/Vodaphone on the corner of Quick Street and Limestone Avenue. This tower is 28m tall or the height of a 9-storey building with a surrounding fence plus other apparatus. We all need good telecommunications connections, and we are hoping that this tower could be situated on an alternative less visible site 600 meters away from the proposed site. This alternative site is still within Indara’s target area for good telecommunications connections. Better still, this alternative site is further away from …

Early Access: Register now to attend new training in 2024

The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) is pleased to advise registrations are now open to attend a new set of training sessions on the ACT planning system.  Training will start on 6 February 2024 and run to May 2024.  New training will help you build the practical skills you need to use and interact with the planning system. The sessions on offer are: Submitting a Development Application Dual occupancy subdivisions in RZ1/RZ2 Achieving better design outcomes Biodiversity Sensitive Urban Design Guide & other considerations Understanding the public notifications process  The full list of session times and registration details …

Incorporating the Ainslie Volcanics site into the Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve

The petition calls for Incorporating the Ainslie Volcanics site into the Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve  Call upon the ACT Government to urgently incorporate the following blocks into the Canberra Nature Park: AINSLIE: Blocks 2 and 3, Section 60  CAMPBELL: Block 4, Section 63 Petition the Federal Government to relinquish the area of the “Wolseley Drive” access corridor adjacent to these blocks, so it can also be incorporated into the Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve. Click to complete the petition