"Daily On Demand" – our elected representatives now under video scrutiny

On 10 November 2009, WIN News (Canberra) ran an interesting article on how the ACT Legislative Assembly will be trialling their “Daily On Demand” a video-on-demand system that will allow the public to view many official activities of the Assembly and its elected members. This system will allow the electorate to view exactly what occurred and see the complete context of speeches, debates and question time with all the subtle nuances such as behaviour, tone of voice, attitude and body language – all factors that are lost when relying on a written Hansard record. [youtube]fqiEGuK09qs&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]

Legislative Assembly Select Committee on Estimates 2009–2010: Report now available

The Select Committee on Estimates 2009-2010 completed its inquiry into the Appropriation Bill 2009-2010 and tabled a report (in 3 volumes) in the Legislative Assembly today (16 June 2009). The report can be assessed via the following weblink: http://www.parliament.act.gov.au/committees/index1.asp?committee=122&inquiry=774&category=19

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry into the Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry the Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008. Bill posting refers to the act of putting up posters, notices or placards on any public property like light poles, walls, trees, bus shelters, fences etc and on private property without permission of the owner. The bill proposes to amend the Crimes Act 1900 (s120) so that strict liability  applies to bill posting. A strict liability offence is one without a fault element, so  there is no need to prove intent, …

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry into ACT Government Procurement

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry into ACT Government Procurement. The Legislative Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee has resolved, on its own motion, to conduct an inquiry into ACT Government procurement. Government procurement comprises a significant part of the economy and in the case of the Australian Capital Territory, constitutes a significant part of the ACT Government’s expenditure. The Committee’s inquiry, amongst other things, will examine: the pursuit by ACT Government agencies of the procurement principle—value for money; the integration of sustainability considerations that encompass environmental, economic and social aspects throughout procurement processes; and the effectiveness of recent reforms, including amendments to the Government Procurement Act 2001 in 2007.

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry Into Administrative Processes Used For Strategic Projects In The Territory (closing 31 July 2009)

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry Into Administrative Processes Used For Strategic Projects In The Territory. The administrative processes used by ACT Government for the consideration and facilitation of strategic projects in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) will come under examination in an inquiry as a result of the Auditor-General’s Report No.7 of 2008 “Proposal for a gas fired power station and data centre site selection process”

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry Into Access To Primary Health Care Services (closing 26 June 2009)

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry Into Access To Primary Health Care Sevices. With the recent closure of the Kippax Family Practice and growing concern over the shortage of practicing general practitioners in the ACT, the Legislative Assembly, on 25 March 2009, referred the matter to the Standing Committee on Health, Community and Social Services for inquiry.