Today (10 December 2009) the chair of the Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, tabled the Committee’s interim report into Live Community Events, looking at issues around the co-location of residential developments and live event venues.
The Committee noted that progressive inter-jurisdictional work is being undertaken through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) on best practice approaches to developing legislative and regulatory environments which support live music and entertainment. The COAG working group Best Practice Guide was not available at the time the Committee was finalising its report. However, the Committee believes that the ACT’s current regulatory environment needs to be reviewed in light of the inter-jurisdictional work and therefore, considers that the inquiry into Live Community Events should be ongoing.
The Committee’s interim report made a number of recommendations including:
- the need to recognise the rights of existing live event venues by including Order of Occupancy considerations in the Liquor Act 1975;
- incorporating ‘reverse sensitivity’ as an overarching objective in the relevant Territory Plan Development and Precinct Codes;
- the need for more flexibility in the noise standards; and
- improving the sound attenuation of and access to community venues.
A copy of the report is available from the Legislative Assembly’s website via the following link:
Further information can be obtained from the Committee Chair, Ms Mary Porter MLA on 6205 0100 or the Committee Secretary, Ms Nicola Derigo on 2605 0435.
As far as I am aware, there is no Noise Act in the ACT. There are only general noise guidelines. The NCCC should be following this up. As a resident of Watson, I am concerned that any relaxation of the guidelines could see an increase in noise emanating from EPIC which will affect residents east of Northbourne Avenue. EPIC is seeking to incrementally increase their infrastucture which could potentially host bigger and louder live music events over time.
The interim report by a committee of the ACT government (Inquiry into Live Community events) recommends relaxing noise restrictions for live music (by which they mean electronically amplified music) venues in Canberra.
If there is a relaxation of noise restrictions it is likely that many residents of North Canberra will be seriously inconvenienced by increased noise pollution.
I urge that any relaxation of current noise restrictions be opposed by the North Canberra Community Council.
I note that the North Canberra Community Council has not made a submission to the inquiry although many of residents that it is expected to represent may be affected adversely. Does the Council intend to make a submission to the inquiry?
Andrew 28 December 2009.