ACT Policing is encouraging Canberra residents to familiarise themselves once again with some essential home safety measures which can significantly reduce the risk of burglary, especially with the summer holiday period fast approaching.
Unfortunately burglary or house-breaking is one of the most common crimes in the ACT, however most burglaries are preventable and can be avoided by establishing some basic home security measures.
Crime Prevention Superintendent Kate Buggy said today there were several simple methods to prevent burglaries and thefts from and around residences.
“Firstly, ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked during the summer months, unless there are adequate security screens in place”, Superintendent Buggy said.
“We really urge the community not to leave doors insecure during the hot nights while they are sleeping. Although it is beginning to get warm at night, personal security and safety while inside the home must be a priority”.
Burglaries are often a crime of opportunity and what most intruders are looking for, and often find are houses left open or unlocked, making it easy for them to get what they can and make a quick getaway.
“Make sure garage doors and sheds are secured with deadlocks and that valuables are not visible through windows”, Superintendent Buggy said.
“If possible, install a visible alarm system which covers all external doors and windows as this can be an effective deterrent for intruders and thieves.
“It is important that we all take the appropriate precautions to reduce the risk of burglary and to ensure the security and safety of our homes and families over the summer months”.
ACT Policing reminds the Canberra community of the importance of applying simple household security practices and encourages residents to build good relationships with their neighbours who they can trust to look out for their home when they are away.
Anyone who observes suspicious activity in their neighbourhood should contact ACT Police Operations on 131 444 or for further tips on home security, visit the AFP website at