ABC News: Safety Concerns (Hackett Traffic)

ABC News: Safety Concerns (Hackett Traffic)

New traffic pressures in North Canberra expected

On 17 September 2009 the ABC News reported on the ongoing concerns that the Hackett residents have with regard to increasing and potentially dangerous traffic levels transiting the Hackett area each morning.


This is an ongoing issue additional information can also be found in the following articles:

ABC News Online also has the following story:

Hackett residents dodge Gungahlin traffic

Residents in Canberra’s inner-north suburb of Hackett are concerned about increased traffic flow through the area.

Commuters from Gungahlin and surrounding areas use Hackett as a shortcut to Civic and the Canberra Airport.

Hackett Community Association chairman James Walker says Hackett is not designed for such large volumes of traffic.

“There’s the safety issue, we haven’t had any one actually killed yet but we’ve had a few near misses,” he said.

“Kids try to get to school – to get to school they have to cross Madigan Street. Often if they don’t have to cross Madigan street they have to cross Maitland street which is also having the problem.”

Mr Walker says Gungahlin continues to expand without consideration given to transport routes.

“The people in that suburb – and it’s not their fault – they need somewhere to live, they also need to go to work,” he said.

“But there aren’t the various means to get work without coming through Canberra’s north suburbs.”

Note: copyright of the material in the video clips resides with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: ABC News (Canberra) 17 September 2009

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