On 15 September 2009, WIN News ran a short piece about the the road works that have commenced on a $1 million upgrade of Fairbairn Avenue between Morshead Drive and Northcott Drive in Campbell.
The ACT Government is investing $1 million to replace the existing road pavement over a 1.5 kilometre section of Fairbairn Avenue. The existing pavement has suffered considerable damage due to heavy vehicle traffic, it currently exhibits in some sections significant potholing, rutting and cracking. Kenoss Contractors Pty Ltd have been engaged to undertake the project which will see the road rehabilitated to strengthen the pavement and will also see minor drainage improvements take place. The section of road to be rehabilitated extends from the end of the divider at the Northcott Drive/Fairbairn Avenue roundabout to the road divider at the intersection of Fairbairn Avenue/Morshead Drive. This rehabilitation of the road will improve pavement strength and overall road safety. Work is expected to be completed by Friday 30 October 2009.
There will be some temporary traffic disruption to allow the upgrade to take place. Road closures are expected to be in place on weekends and at nights on weekdays to minimise traffic disruption. Traffic will be detoured around the site. The Contractor will have variable message boards advising of the works and warning of closures, in advance of the works, and the closures will be placed in the Community Noticeboard that appears in the Canberra Times each Saturday.
Note: copyright of the material in the video clips resides with the WIN Television. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: WIN News (Canberra) 15 September 2009