5 Hackett Gardens, Turner, ACT - DA: 202443677
Closes: 2025-02-04;
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR NEW DWELLING - construction of a new two storey dwelling with attached garage, swimming pool, driveway/verge crossing, landscaping and associated works.
19 Gilbert Street, Hackett, ACT - DA: 202443426
Closes: 2025-02-03;
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DUAL OCCUPANCY AND LEASE VARIATION - Demolition of the existing unapproved garage 1 extension, awning/carport, pergola, brick wall and part of the existing brick retaining wall. Seeking retrospective approval for the existing unapproved dwelling extension and deck, conversion of the existing garage 2 into a second dwelling to form a dual occupancy, alterations to the existing dwelling and proposed second dwelling, construction of a new courtyard wall, carport, rebuilding of garage 1, new fence between two dwellings, a deck, driveway/verge crossing, landscaping, and associated works. Lease Variation to permit two dwellings on the block.
87 Sherbrooke Street, Ainslie, ACT - DA: 202443680
Closes: 2025-01-31;
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Proposed internal alterations within existing building footprint and associated works.
5 Taylor Place, Hackett, ACT - DA: 202443543
Closes: 2025-01-28;
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Demolition of the existing shed, construction of a studio, open pergola, deck, gate, landscaping and associated works.
27 White Crescent, Campbell, ACT - DA: 202443644
Closes: 2025-01-23;
PLANNING ACT 2023 - PROPOSAL FOR DWELLING ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - Partial demolition of the existing dwelling, demolition of carport, deck and pergola. Alterations and additions including a two storey and a single storey extension to the existing dwelling, internal alterations, construction of a new garage, driveway, landscaping and associated works.