Previously the NCCC had made a submission in regard to the EIS Proposal – Sandford Street extension (currently Morisset Street) to the Federal Highway.
ACTPLA has now provided the NCCC with the following email response:
From: Coffey, Gerard Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2010
Subject: Hackett Community Association – EIS Scoping Document Submission for Sandford Street Extension (DA200916174-600 GUNGAHLIN)
To: info@northcanberra.org.au
Mr Bruce Smith
Hackett Community AssociationDear Mr Smith,
Thank you for providing a submission on behalf of the Hackett Community Association (HCA) regarding the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Scoping Document for the proposed Sandford Street road extension project. Further to our phone conversation of 20 January 2010, I am pleased to confirm my verbal advice as follows:
The project is currently with the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) for delivery of the road design as part of ACTPLA’s capital works program. This also includes undertaking the Development Application (DA) for the road construction. Due to the social and environmental aspects of this project the DA requirements have been assessed as requiring an Impact Track DA. The Impact Track DA assessment is the most comprehensive of the development application processes and requires the EIS as its primary supporting document.
I confirm my advice that traffic impacts on North Canberra are a key component of the EIS and that the comments from the HCA (and adjacent Community Councils and Associations) will be addressed in the EIS. Specifically, the EIS will undertake specialised traffic studies to analyse and assess traffic impacts from this project on the adjoining suburbs of Hackett and Watson. The EIS will also examine and report on options to mitigate any adverse traffic impacts from the project.
I also confirm my advice that there will be a process of public, community and stakeholder consultation. This will include a presentation to the North Canberra Community Council to provide information and obtain first hand feedback. A summary of the issues raised, and how these concerns are to be addressed, will be undertaken as an important part of the EIS process.
The ACT Planning and Land Authority and Roads ACT will be directly involved in this consultation process.
It is anticipated that drafting of the EIS will commence by 1 February 2010.
I trust this information is useful and I look forward to your continuing involvement in this project and delivery of the EIS.
Please find following is my direct contact details. Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with further information regarding this project.
Gerard Coffey – Principal Officer | Infrastructure Policy | ACT Planning and Land Authority
p. 6207 2471 | e. gerard.coffey@act.gov.au | web. www.actpla.act.gov.au