Housing ACT tenants are encouraged to apply to apply for membership of the 2009-11 Joint Champions Group.
The Joint Champions Group, established in 2005, provides tenants with an opportunity to take part in and manage activities that contribute to the planning and delivery of housing services in the ACT.
The group, comprising public housing tenants and Housing ACT staff, meets regularly to discuss a program of tenant participation activities. “It allows public tenants to take part in and manage activities that contribute to the planning and delivery of housing services in the ACT.
To become a ‘Champion’ you should show your willingness to:
- Work in partnership with Housing ACT on tenant issues, as well as raising concerns, resolving problems and being consulted on housing policies.
- Communicate openly either drawing on previous committee or community group experience (eg, P & C or playgroup), or being willing to learn.
- Respect, that is, be prepared to listen to and accept other people’s points of view, and consider issues carefully.
- Network with individuals and/or small groups to improve outcomes for tenants.
Tenants requiring further information or who would like assistance to submit their application should telephone Housing ACT on 6207 5098 or 6207 1507. Alternatively, please email eleanor.waight@act.gov.au or michelle.anderson@act.gov.au
Applications close 26 June 2009.
ACT Government Ministerial Media Release
Published: July 27, 2009, 12:15 pm
Section: John Hargreaves, MLA | Media Releases
A record number of public housing tenants will contribute to the planning and management of public housing in the ACT.
The Minister for Housing, John Hargreaves MLA announced today that more than 100 tenants will join the 2009 – 2010 Joint Champions Group.
“The group comprises public housing tenants, Housing ACT staff, and regional community services and meets regularly to discuss a broad range of housing issues,” Mr Hargreaves said.
“In applying for membership of the Joint Champions Group, many tenants outlined their willingness to work with Housing ACT to assist in the ongoing improvement of services. They wanted to make a positive contribution to their community and welcomed the chance to represent their fellow tenants.”
One tenant commented: “I would like to reach out and help others, and feel I have much to contribute to the group, and in turn, the ACT community.”
And another wrote: “If I had a mission it would be to disabuse the general public that living in public housing does not equate to being a second class citizen. By being part of the JCG, and being informed about what is happening in public housing, and being part of discussions around new policies and procedures, it will help me to promote positive outcomes for public housing tenants.”
“The input from the JCG is highly valued. Its work is vital in fostering a Housing system that is aware of – and that can respond to – the issues and concerns of tenants.
Source: http://www.chiefminister.act.gov.au/media.php?v=8254