North Canberra Community Council

Search Results for: "majura parkway"

Canberra Times: Comments welcome on Pialligo master plan

On 13 October 2009, Canberra Times journalist Claire Low, reported that the Planning Minister is encouraging comment on the new master plan for Pialligo. There was also a statement by the president of the Pialligo Residents’ Association, Bob Ross in relation to the process. The online version of the Canberra Times article is reproduced below:

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 02 October 2009

Each week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link: The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:

Canberra Times: Stanhope says fatality highlights road need

On 21 September 2009, Canberra Times journalist David Stockman, the Canberra Times police reporter, wrote a story with comments from the ACT Chief Minister insisting that the recent fatality was further justification of the need to expedite the building of the Majura Parkway. The North Canberra Community Council accepts that there is a need for the upgrade of the Road to Dual Carriageway for both safety and traffic capacity issues. However the council has rejected outright the need for the realignment of the road due to the severe environmental impacts this will have.

New traffic pressures in North Canberra expected

Residents of inner north Canberra suburbs can expect a major increase in traffic in their suburbs unless new local traffic arrangements are developed. That was a key message delivered by Mr Tony Gill in his presentation to the North Canberra Community Council on 19 August. Mr Gill, Director of Roads ACT, outlined a number of major traffic developments that will affect North Canberra residents in different ways.

Chronicle: Redundant by 2026 – $250 million traffic solution

The August 25 2009  edition of the  Chronicle ran a story written by Rebecca Thisleton reporting on the proceedings at the August meeting of the North Canberra Community Council where the Majura Parkway was discussed. Greens Member for Molonglo Shane Rattenbury said the Majura Parkway was the wrong starting point for easing traffic snarls in the inner north. “Somehow we’ve ended up locked into this vast, 100 kilometre-per-hour road, and I don’t understand why this has been the option selected when you could have the existing 80 kilometre-per-hour road duplicated, it would not require the millions and millions of dollars …

Canberra Times: ACT on board to connect east coast

On the 14th of July, The Canberra Times ran an article reporting the ACT Government position on a very fast train (VFT) linking Canberra to other eastern seaboard cities. It appears that the Majura Parkway upgrade route has not been predicated on the real traffic and transportation needs but rather “pie in the sky” conceptual plans for a VFT route which are unlikely to see the light of day in the near or foreseeable future.