The ACT Government is seeking feedback on the operation of the ACT Human Rights Act 2004. The Department of Justice and Community Safety is seeking submissions from individuals and interested organisations on the recommendations made by the independent ACT Human Rights Act Research Project (ACTHRA). The Research Project report can be viewed online at
Input into the debate on protecting economic, social and cultural rights including comment on the nature of the protection, the scope of the rights protected and possible economic impacts. Further discussion on economic, social and cultural rights can be found in the Twelve Month Review of the Human Rights Act 2004 at
Any other matter in relation to possible legislative and other reforms to improve the operation of the Human Rights Act 2004 as an effective legal mechanism for the protection of human rights.
Written submissions can be sent electronically to or by post to:
Human Rights Act Review
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Canberra ACT 2601Submissions are due by Monday 12 October 2009.
All submissions will be made publicly available, unless otherwise requested. A covering letter must include contact details and an acknowledgment that the submission will be made publicly available or a request that this not occur. Personal information will be removed from any submission that is made publicly available.
For further information contact Rachael Taylor through Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or email
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