Given the ACT Government’s long-term vision for the city and its growth, what must we do to achieve our sustainability goals as they relate to public transport?
The ACT Government is developing the Sustainable Transport Action Plan 2010-2016 to help meet the sustainable transport targets set out in the Sustainable Transport Plan (2004). A key element of the Sustainable Transport Action Plan 2010-2016 will be the Public Transport Strategy.
The Government is seeking public comment on the geography of a public transport network for 2031 by releasing the Strategic Public Transport Network Plan. The long term ‘frequent network’ proposed by the Plan features a strong ‘backbone’ network of services running every 15 minutes or better, seven days a week. Lower density suburbs would continue to be served by ‘coverage’ services, which would link to the frequent network to allow for cross-city travel.
The community is encouraged to have their about the future of public transport and the proposals of the Plan by visiting www.sustainabletransport.act.gov.au/pt and completing the online survey.
You may also wish to join the lively discussion about transport issues for the ACT on the public forums at “Bang the Table” – see www.bangthetable.com/acttransportplan
Hard copies of the survey, the Plan and its Executive Summary are available at ACT Government Shopfronts and ACT Public Libraries.
For further information please contact Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.
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