Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 11 September 2009

Development Applications in the North Canberra district open to public comment for 11 September 2009

Development ApplicationsEach week, the North Canberra Community Council is sent a weekly summary of all new significant development applications that are also notified in the Canberra Times and on ACTPLA’s website at the following link:

The latest development applications lodged for the North Canberra area and open for comment include:


Development Application: 200915504
Address: 8 BURT STREET
Block: 13 Section: 63
Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – TWO NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed demolition of existing dwelling & the construction of two new 1 & 2 storey residential units with garage.
Period for comments closes: 28/09/2009
Click here to view the plans


Development Application: 200915489
Block: 28 Section: 34
Proposal: NONR-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS-SIGNAGE-CANBERRA TRADESMANS UNION CLUB. Proposal is to upgrade and replace existing facades facing Badham Street and carpark including glazing new parapets and spandrels gates and fence. Also includes new signage and colour scheme, new doors and screens for smoking area and new sliding door.
Period for comments closes: 02/10/2009
Click here to view the plans


Development Application: 200915399
Block: 28 Section: 19
Proposal: LEASE VARIATION – To vary the purpose clause of the lease as follows: To use the premises only for the purposes of: (i) administrative use; (ii) bank and co-operative society; (iii) cafÚ, bar, restaurant; (iv) car park; (v) cultural facility; (vi) indoor recreation facility; (vii) education establishment; (viii) office; (ix) personal service establishment; and (x) social/community facility; AND ANCILLARY THERETO retail; PROVIDED THAT uses in (ii) and (iii) are restricted to the ground floor only.
Period for comments closes: 02/10/2009
Click here to view the plans


Development Application: 200915418
Block: 1 Section: 26
Proposal: LEASE VARIATION: Consolidate the four Crown leases, increase the gross floor area, modernise the purpose clauses and add uses of car park, commercial accommodation use, community use, indoor recreation facility limited to gym and/or fitness training and tourist facility.
Period for comments closes: 02/10/2009
Click here to view the plans


Individuals may wish to lodge comments and make their own representations on these development applications. Generally the majority of the development application documentation will be available online, however copies of the applications can also be inspected at the ACTPLA Customer Service Centre, Dame Pattie Menzies House, Ground Floor (South), 16 Challis Street, Dickson. The Customer Service Centre is open on weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Representations must be forwarded to the ACTPLA Applications Secretariat at 16 Challis Street Dickson, by email to or mailed to PO Box 365, Mitchell ACT 2911 by the due date.

All representations will be acknowledged by ACTPLA, and copies of all representations received will be forwarded to the applicant and made available for public inspection.

Under agreed community engagement arrangements between ACTPLA and Community Councils, if requested, ACTPLA will offer the North Canberra Community Council a briefing on the statutory processes and policy related issues in relation to significant development applications. This may include, if requested, a briefing by the proponent.

Note: The North Canberra Community Council accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in providing this information. Individuals should always refer to the ACTPLA website for details of all currently notified development applications.

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