Funding was provided in the 2008-09 Budget for a review of the arts in Canberra as Arts Canberra, the ACT Government’s current action statement for the arts, expired at the end of 2008. The review will be conducted by independent consultants Peter Loxton and Associates Pty Ltd and will include research into best-practice arts policy from around Australia and overseas, as well as working with the local ACT arts community to look at the success of the current policy and its implementation to date.
A number of different consultation mechanisms with both key stakeholders and the broader community will be used throughout the process, and a new arts strategy will subsequently be released in mid to late 2010. Stakeholder consultation is currently underway and community consultation dates will be announced shortly.
September – October 2009 | Consultation with key stakeholders and broader arts sector |
November – December 2009
(8 weeks minimum) |
Testing and community consultation on ideas put forward by independent consultant |
January 2010 | Drafting of new arts strategy |
February – March 2010
(8 weeks minimum) |
Consultation with key stakeholders and community on draft arts strategy |
Mid 2010 | Finalisation of arts strategy |
Mid 2010 | Government approval process of new arts strategy |
Mid to late 2010 | Release of new arts strategy |
For further information visit the artsACT website.