Select Committee on A.C.T. Supermarket Competition policy

Select Committee on A.C.T. Supermarket Competition policy

Select Committee on A.C.T. Supermarket Competition policy
Select Committee on A.C.T. Supermarket Competition policy

A motion to establish a Select Committee on ACT Supermarket Competition policy has been passed by the Legislative Assembly. The committee’s terms of reference were announced on September 22 2011


Select Committee on A.C.T. Supermarket Competition policy

 Members: Chris Bourke MLA, Chair, Caroline Le Couteur MLA, Deputy Chair, Zed Seselja MLA

Terms of reference

That this Assembly:

(1)  notes:

 (a) that ACT consumers are best served by policies that promote supermarket competition; and

 (b) that development approval processes should be free from inappropriate political interference and offer certainty to supermarket operators and protection for ACT consumers;

 (2) establishes a select committee to review the ACT Supermarket Competition Policy, including, but not limited to:

 (a) the operation of the policy as it interacts with the planning system;

 (b) the appropriateness of settings as it applies to ACT Government direct sales, group centres and local centres;

 (c) the impact of the policy on operators and consumers;

 (d) impacts on the retail hierarchy; and

 (e) future applications of planning and competition policies

 (3) the decision to exercise the call-in power to approve the Giralang DA are not the subject of the Committee’s inquiry while the matter is before the Supreme Court;

(4) the Committee shall report back to the Assembly no later than the last sitting week in April 2012; and

(5) the Committee shall consist of one member nominated by the Government, one member nominated by the Opposition and one member nominated by the Crossbench, to be nominated to the Speaker by 4 p.m. on the day of passage of this motion.

22 September 2011


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