That the meeting (21 Nov 18) requests the NCCC to advocate to retain Section 72 for community and cultural purposes, including, but not limited to, action on the six recommendations in the Working Group’s position paper and in light of the issues and opportunities outlined in the paper.
The position paper’s recommendations are:
- That the government forms a Community Reference Panel that reports directly to the Minister for Urban Renewal with representatives from each of the local affected communities (taking in suburbs north of Macarthur/Wakefield). Its terms of reference should include preparation of a Community Brief.
- That the government funds a Facilitator to support the work of the Community Reference Panel, distribute information, undertake and commission research, and act as liaison between the panel and the government.
- That the Community Reference Panel be charged with examining and reporting on the concept of a Community Compact to guide urban renewal in the corridor from here on.
- That the Community Reference Panel be charged with examining and reporting on setting up a Trust or statutory authority to manage Section 72 in the longer term.
- That the current NCCC Working Group organise a petition to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly calling for a full Community Needs Assessment for the inner North, with work to begin in early 2019. That needs assessment should cover both private and non-profit service provision together with publicly funded services (eg. child care, sporting groups and fitness centres, arts and cultural facilities, play space, family support, disability support, aged care and senior citizen services etc)
- That the current NCCC Working Group prepare an FOI request to discover what arrangements and negotiations and land valuations have taken place in relation to Block 22 (the Salvation Army’s former Collection Centre), information about any undertakings made to Common Ground already, and initiate inquiries with the respective parties.