ACT Health invites you to a series of free seminars on issues affecting older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Seminars on different topics are held regularly and are in English. All interested members of the community are welcome to attend.
Future seminars include:
- Thursday 29 October 2009
Palliative Care Services in the ACT – ACT Palliative Care Society- Wednesday 11 November 2009
Islam – Salwah Kirk and Ahmed Youssef- Wednesday 18 November 2009
Trauma and Ageing – Companion House- Wednesday 25 November 2009
Depression and Other Mental Health Issues in Older People – Andrew Colliver, ACT Health Older Persons Mental Health Unit- Tuesday 1 December 2009
Frailty, Vulnerability and Transcendence in Ageing – Prof. Elizabeth MacKinlay, Centre for Ageing and Pastoral StudiesEach seminar is held 9.30am-12.30pm at Pilgrim House, 69 Northbourne Avenue, Civic. Bookings are essential.
If you would like more information or to book, contact the Community Partners Program Officer, Ailsa Turrell, on 6205 4794 or email
The Community Partners Programs Officer can arrange for many topics to be presented to any CALD group with an appropriate interpreter if desired.