The next Public Forum of the North Canberra Community Council is on Wednesday 21 March 2012 at ACT Sport House, 100 Maitland Street Hackett, commencing 7:30
- Chairs Introduction
- Attendance and Apologies
- Presentation by Helen Leayr from The Communication Link on pre-development application consultation, followed by questions and answers. The relevant legislation is contained in the Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2). NCCC has been asked to contribute comments to the guidelines considered for pre-application consultation.
- Group discussion on issues for NCCC members to consider in the lead-up to the upcoming ACT 2012 election.
- Notification of intention to separately invite all nominated candidates from each party (including Independents) in the Molonglo electorate to discuss the key issues raised by NCCC to member forums in May, June, July and August. A final massed ‘Meet the Candidates’ forum with all parties would be considered in September or October at which the general public would be invited.
- Date for next forum