A proposal to modify planning restrictions in O’Connor, Lyneham, Dickson and Turner has been released today in a draft variation to the Territory Plan.
ACTPLA Chief Planning Executive, Neil Savery, said draft variation 310 responds to the findings of the Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services.
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I share your concern about the suburbs of the Inner North. I am a resident of O’Connor and am a member of the “Friends of O’Connor” (website above).
As a Green Activist I believe that we need to aim for a more compact city. This means some suburban areas need to be zoned for more dense populations. I would strenuously oppose losing existing open space and parklands, but I believe existing residential blocks can, in some cases, be merged and developed for apartment, and town house style, properties.
The crux of it is: how do those blocks get chosen for new zoning?
And: how can ‘ugly and nondescript’ be defined so that it could be legislated against?
My understanding is that the recently proposed areas, in Lyneham and O’Connor, are all close to Northbourne Avenue, which is full of commercial buildings and flats already. For this reason I have not opposed it.
I live in a part of O’Connor which has been zoned for more intense development and I am not looking forward to it but I think that, for the sake of wider environmental concerns, I will not oppose any and all development, but try to engage with developers to get a better outcome.
The very desirability of these inner suburban locations should allow developers to build high quality properties and sell to the top of the market, which I am led to believe is also the most profitable for them.
Best wishes
John Symond
This new proposal I find disturbing as I envisage parts of O’Connor/Lyneham area looking like some streets of Braddon with their 3 storey buildings. If this is allowed to pass then we are authorising high density living, as I see it and this will change the whole nature of the suburbs, placing greater demands on amenities and increasing noise pollution.
I am sure there is a lot of pressure from builders to give them a license to get the maximum return on their investments but do we really want our inner suburbs full of ugly nondescript units and a decrease of green garden/playing space near our homes? There’s a big difference between 2 storeys and 3 storeys and I would like that this proposal be quashed.
Karen Boreham