The next North Canberra Community Council forum will be held this Wednesday June 19 2013 at ACT Sport House, 100 Maitland Street Hackett starting 7:30. The draft agenda is…
- Chair Introduction
- Attendance and Apologies
- Advance notice of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) process for Block 9 Section 64 Watson. Kylie Forrest and representatives from the Economic Development Directorate will give a very brief address and submit documents. This block is back on the Land Release program for 2013-14. This land was the subject of EPBC referral 2012/6418. Comments on that referral have been previously submitted.
- Presentation from Heather McGowan of the Heath Care Consumers’ Association on the Health Infrastructure Program for the ACT. The Associations’ response to the ACT Budget 2013 can be found on their website.
- Presentation from Susan Helyar of the ACT Council of Social Services and Leigh Watson from Shelter ACT. They will talk about services for people living with disadvantage, and about the implications of large mixed-use city re-developments for affordable housing and access to community facilities.
- Table minutes from May 15 forum and discuss any business arising. Business arising will include a short presentation from Marcus Hipkins or Richard Larson on traffic issues in Ainslie that were raised at the May forum.
- Update on DV308, redevelopment of the ABC Flats in Cooyong Street Reid.
- Discussion on meeting to take place between community councils and Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development on July 1. We plan to discuss exempt and non-compliant developments; development applications advertised for public comment without first being checked for compliance; and the new planning system that was enabled by Technical Variation 2012-06.
- Discuss a residential development proposal for the All Saints Church site in Ainslie. The discussion will be led by local resident Charlie Morrice.
- Discuss the draft Heritage Legislation Amendment Bill 2013. The draft includes a new section which will give the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development call-in powers under the ACT Heritage Act 2004.
- Discuss provision of a $600 grant to Friends of Mt Majura for them to engage Conservation Volunteers Australia to assist them with their National Tree Day event in 2013.
- Discuss issues for forum to be held on July 17 2013.
- Other Business.
- Meeting close.