The Chief Ministers Department is seeking community input on it’s Pilot Triple Bottom Line Annual Report.
This report details the economic, social and environmental outcomes of the Chief Minister’s Department for 2008-09. Its purpose is to provide a model for triple bottom line reporting within the ACT Government, and to seek community views on that model.
The ACT Chief Minister’s Department would welcome your views on the approach they have taken and invite you to provide your feedback by 26 February 2010.
In framing your response, you may wish to consider the following questions.
How useful do you find the triple bottom line approach taken in the pilot report?
- Does the triple bottom line report provide a useful format for presentation of this information?
- Does the format provide useful complementary or additional information to that already provided in agency statutory reports?
- Do you have any suggestions as to how the format could be improved?
Do you have any comments on the choice of indicators?
- Do CMD include the indicators that you want to see?
- Are there indicators we have included that are not useful?
- Are there indicators not currently included that you would like to see included?
Comparability of data for different years.
- An important element of reporting is providing data for the previous year to assess whether our performance is improving or not. Often, however, it is difficult to compare figures from different years, if, for example the size, structure or responsibilities of the organisation have changed.
- The pilot report provides interpretative information to help explain such changes relevant to comparing year-by-year figures.
- Do you have any suggestions on how best to present this interpretative information?
Do you have any other comments on how we can improve on this pilot approach to triple bottom line reporting?
Feedback by the closing date of 26 February 2010 should be addressed to:
Mr Daniel Stewart
Director, Economic, Regional and Planning
ACT Chief Minister’s Department
GPO Box 158
Via Email:
The report has been reproduced below:
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