SEE-Change and Colours By Nature are pleased to be hosting two exciting GREEN Painting events in Canberra during November!
Wednesday 18th November: Information Session
Daniel Wurm from the GreenPainters Ltd, (a non-for-profit organisation), will be presenting an 1 hour information session for Builders, Architects, and Consultants on Wednesday 18th November at 5-6pm. Free.Thursday 19th November: Training Course
Daniel will also be conducting a 6 hour specialist training course for both professional painters and keen DYI’s from 3-9pm. Cost $80 (free for GreenPainters Members).
Both will be held at the SEE-Change Canberra office, Rm 4 Downer Community Centre, Frencham Place, Downer, ACT.
This is the first time such an event has been hosted in Canberra. So please register early as places are strictly limited! Please ph.Tony 1300 249 347