FoMM: "Horehound Blitz and West Slope Challenge" Working Bee (28 June 2009)

FoMM: "Horehound Blitz and West Slope Challenge" Working Bee (28 June 2009)

The Friends of Mount Majura will be holding a Working Bee – “Horehound Blitz and West Slope Challenge”

Date: Sunday, 28 June, 2009
Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm
Location: Meet at the water reservoir behind Rivett / French Streets.

Volunteers including students of the Blue Gum School have planted native shrubs along the drain line behind the water reservoir to assist the restoration of a native wild life corridor.

At this working bee we will remove as much of the existing weeds as possible to give the seedlings a good start.We also will continue to revegetate the bare west slope with local scribbly gums this will be a true challenge given the steepness of the slope and the shallow soils.

Please come along and lend a hand if you can. Bring your favourite weeding tool, preferably household gloves with long cuff or garden gloves and sturdy boots. All other tools and material will be provided. Wrap up warmly, hot drinks will be provided to keep you warm from inside.

Enquiries: Ph 6247 7515 or email

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