FOMM: Help Mapping Rabbit Warrens, Field identification & training sessions (12 November 2009)

FOMM: Help Mapping Rabbit Warrens, Field identification & training sessions (12 November 2009)

Volunteers are invited to participate in a second round of mapping rabbit warrens at Mount Majura, Mount Ainslie and the Watson Woodlands.

Come to the information session on 12th of November 2009 to learn about the the mapping project with sessions led by rangers from ACT Parks, Conservation and Lands.

What to expect:

  • Volunteers will learn about the project
  • Learn how to identify active warrens
  • Be able to register for a free GPS training session
  • Be able to “adopt” your own mapping site.

When: Thursday, 12 November 2009, 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Meet at the gate Philip Avenue nature park entrance (Car parking at Kellaway Street)
Sturdy shoes and something to write with

For enquiries and to register your interest as a rabbit mapper, please contact the FoMM coordinator at Email: or Phone: 62477515

For more information on the project see overleaf and visit

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