Friends of Mount Majura (FoMM) is a Park Care Group, working in the Mount Majura section of Canberra Nature Park. Some of their activities include: Monthly weeding parties: removing non-native species by hand, Re-seeding and re-planting: giving local plant species a head start and Conducting walks and talks: sharing our enjoyment of the Nature Park.
The February 2010 edition of the Freinds of Mount Majura Newsletter is now available.
This edition covers:
- News from the mountain: of noisy eucalypts, rabbits and survivors
- Working bee old Ainslie tip – Sunday 7 February
- FoMM meeting to plan 2010 activities – Sunday 14 February
- Woody weeds working bee – Sunday 21 February
- Along a trail with ants on Mt Majura. Expert guided walk – Sunday 28 February
- Canberra Nature Park investigation – Invitation of submissions due 26 February 2010
The newsletter has been reproduced below:
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