Draft Agenda: General Meeting 7pm 18 September 2024

Draft Agenda: General Meeting 7pm 18 September 2024

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Meeting ID: 854 5883 1454
Passcode: 947725



No presentations have been arranged for this meeting.  Proposed topics for discussion include:

Issues confronting the NCCC and AGM
Future presentation topics
Overshadowing of the Pheonix Apartments and planning definitions for light into apartments
Canberra by Bike and walk Cycle Lyneham request for NCCC support for a 30kph speed zone pilot in Lyneham
Candidates support for continued upzoning
1. Chair’s Report Jochen Zeil, Chair, NCCC]
2. Treasurer’s report
3. Other business

Committee meetings and general meetings are currently held on alternative months. The next meetings are 16/10/2024 Committee, 20/11/2024 General (Annual General Meeting)

Close of meeting

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