The North Canberra Community Council recently received the following email from Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd who have been engaged by the ACT Dept of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) to prepare Guidelines for Transport Impact Assessment to be used as part of the ACT planning and development process.
The email has been reproduced below:
From: Rolfe Hartley <>
Date: Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 2:23 PM
Subject: Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines for the ACTTo the Presidents of the Canberra Community Councils
Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd has been engaged by the ACT Dept of Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) to prepare Guidelines for Transport Impact Assessment to be used as part of the ACT planning and development process.
Transport impact assessments (TIA) provide an assessment and opinion on the effect of new or expanding developments on the transportation system. A TIA is important component of the development planning process.
The guideline is intended to be used in conjunction with the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 12: Traffic Impacts of Development. The Austroads guide provides guidance related to how a transport impact assessment should be undertaken, particularly with regard to traffic issues. The ACT TIA guide will provide practitioners and stakeholders involved in land-use and transport planning a reference document for managing transport impact assessments resulting from land-use development proposals.
It is intended that the TIA Guidelines that we are producing will be called up in the General Development Controls under the Territory Plan. For developments exceeding a certain threshold, the application may be referred to TAMS for a review of transport impacts in accordance with the Guidelines.
We believe that it is important that the TIA Guidelines:
- Provide clear guidance on the thresholds that apply for each land use and development type;
- Set appropriate thresholds that capture and assess important transport impacts without imposing a burden on smaller and low impact developments;
- Set out what information is required in a TIA and how the developer should go about getting it.
As stakeholders in development matters in Canberra, we consider it important that we get the views of the Community Councils on our approach. To this end we have prepared the attached summary document that sets out the philosophy, key thresholds and procedures that will be included in the guidelines. We would appreciate your comments, especially on matters such as:
- Are the thresholds clear and set at the right levels?
- Is the process well defined and are the information requirements clear? Are the guideline requirements workable?
- Is it clear how the Guidelines will fit into the development application process?
It would assist us greatly if we could have your comments by Friday 26 March, although I recognise that you are all busy people and that deadlines are often hard to meet.If you have any questions, please email or call me (mobile phone is best). Unfortunately, I will be away from Canberra after Monday 22 March, so if you have any questions after that date please direct them to Ms Marinka Dellar on 02 6112 0136.
When sending email comments, will you please direct them to Mr Stephen Power ( copy to Ms Marinka Dellar (
Thank you very much for our cooperation in this matter.
Rolfe Hartley
Rolfe Hartley | Executive Engineer | Aurecon
Ph: 02 6112 0158 | Fax: 02 6112 0106 | Mob: 0418 285 634
Level 1 15 Barry Drive, Turner | ACT 2612 | Australia
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If you would like to make comments with regard to this consultation process please contact the council.