On Wednesday 13th May, 1st and 2nd year students from the Canberra Institute of Technology’s Sports Development course, organised a “Northside Sports Gala Day” for a group of approximately 75 children from Aranda Primary School. This day involved the children getting outside and having some fun and simply participating in a variety of sports while also learning some of the basic skills of those sports.
The sports involved were basketball, cricket, soccer, hockey and athletics. At the end of the activities the children were given a bag of goodies to go home with.
For the CIT students this day was all about trying to increase participation in younger age groups. It is very hard to increase participation on a large scale with only one or two days available every few months. The students are hoping to co-ordinate their limited activities with other sporting organizations, schools and community groups so that in a way both can learn from the experience of working together and eventually make progress in achieving the goal of increasing participation.
NCCC Note: If your sports organisation, school or community group is interested in engaging with the CIT to assist with this project then you should contact the Canberra Institute of Technology via their main switchboard number 6207-3100 and ask to be put through the staff running the Sport Development Diploma course.
It sounds like a great opportunity to increase physical fitness for kids. Keep up the good work.