The June 23 2009 edition of the Chronicle ran a story about the removal of numerous mature street trees in O’Connor. A local resident was somewhat taken aback that it was permissible to remove the trees in accordance with the ACT’s tree protection legislation.
To read the article click on the image for PDF document.
Should there be any confusion, the ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services offers a comprehensive guide to Urban Tree protection on their website. The guide provides information about tree protection relating to trees on leased land and how to apply to undertake a tree damaging activity in the ACT. Tree damaging activities include tree removal, major pruning, lopping, groundwork near a regulated tree. A full copy of the Tree Protection Act 2005 is available on the ACT Legislation Register website.
It is also important to remember that Parks, Conservation and Lands will be undertaking a significant Neighbourhood Street and Park Tree Replacement Program within the North Canberra district in the near future. The consultation period for this street and park tree replacement program closed on the 18th June 2009, however broad details of what has been proposed can still be viewed via our website.
Note: copyright of the material in this clipping resides with Fairfax Media. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: The Chronicle – 23 June 2009