Signalisation Knox and Antill Street

The issue of signalization of the Knox Street and Antill Street intersection in Watson was flagged in a Draft Land Use Master Plan North Watson consultants report dated 28 March 2003. The Watson Community Association has produced a comparison of peak-hour morning and afternoon traffic numbers at this intersection on 20 November 2002 and a later survey conducted by Roads ACT in the week from September 22 – September 29 in 2008. The WCA study clearly demonstrates a dramatic increase in traffic volumes during this six year period. The impacts associated with increasing traffic clearly warrant discussion within the wider …

Knox Street Traffic Issues

The Watson Community Association has a concern about the nature, volume and impact of traffic on Knox street. Some queries were sent to Roads ACT in regard to the outcomes of a traffic study conducted at the Knox Street and Antill Street intersections between Saturday September 20 2008 and Saturday 27 September 27 2008 – attached are documents relating to those queries and the study. WCA – Knox and Antill Study Questions WCA – Knox and Antill Study – ACT Roads Response