The ACT Government is inviting applications to the ACT Festival Fund for festival activities that take place in 2011.
The ACT Government, through the ACT Festival Fund, supports a diverse range of festivals that reflect the wide range of community interests and activities that enrich the experience of living in Canberra.
The ACT Festival Fund is highly competitive and applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal with Special Events staff who will be able to provide assistance with your application prior to its submission. Appointments are essential by contacting Rebecca Gaukroger on 02 6205 7141 to book a time.
Application forms and information booklet are available by emailing or by calling 02 6205 7141. Forms and information are also available at
The closing date for applications is 5.00pm Monday 5 July 2010.
Applications can be hand delivered to:
ACT Festival Fund, Special Events Unit,
Arts, Communications, Events and Protocol,
Chief Minister’s Department,
Level 4, Canberra Nara Centre,
1 Constitution Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601
or posted to
ACT Festival Fund,
Special Events Unit, Arts, Communications, Events and Protocol,
Chief Minister’s Department,
GPO Box 158, Canberra ACT 2601.