AGENDA: NORTH CANBERRA COMMUNITY COUNCIL GENERAL MEETING 7.30 pm TUESDAY 19 May 2015. Note new venue: Majura Function Room Majura Community Centre, 2 Rosevear Place Dickson – click for map
- 7.45-8.15 pm: Jane Easthope, CEO, Canberra CBD Limited: Transforming Canberra’s City Centre discussion paper
- 8.15-9 pm: Simon Corbell MLA, Deputy Chief Minister, Attorney-General, Minister for Health, for the Environment and for Capital Metro, will discuss Canberra’s progress toward sustainability, including renewable energy policies, energy efficiency policies and the Capital Metro project.
- Attendance and Apologies
- Declaration of conflicts of interest
- Report on Committee decisions since the previous General Meeting.
- Confirm the minutes of the preceding General Meeting 21 April2015.
- Treasurer’s report
- Residents’ Associations reports
- Mr Fluffy subcommittee report
- Planning and Development Forum: Any issues to raise at 11 June meeting?
Motion: ACTION bus service to the airport
NCCC believes that the ACT government has a responsibility to provide effective public transport services to connect to transport services to outside the ACT ie to interstate buses, trains and the airport. THE ACT government does not provide a service to the Canberra airport. NCCC notes that it would be possible to add the airport to the existing network services. NCCC calls on the ACT government to introduce add the airport to the next revision of the bus network and to immediately ensure that the current privately operated bus uses the public bus station in Civic rather than west row to increase the usability of the current service.
Canberra Airport Major Development Plan
Should the NCCC make a submission on Canberra Airport’s Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan for an Office Development, referring to issues such as induced traffic; transfer of jobs from Civic and town centres, (3) operates outside and contrary to ACT planning policies?
- Correspondence from Knight Frank re April Lyneham Motor Inn presentation.
- Questions/issues to put to Shane Rattenbury for his presentation to our June meeting.