On the 24th March 2009 at 10:30AM the NCCC received the following email advisory from ACTPLA seeking written comments by 31st March 2009:
Dear Sir/ Madam
As part of the broader review of the Territory Plan, the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) is also reviewing the provisions for residential mid size blocks (>250m2 to 500m2)in greenfield estates. It is proposed to conduct a workshop in relation to residential mid sized blocks in April- May 2009 with the results to be incorporated into the Territory Plan review later in the year.
In the short term, ACTPLA acknowledges the need for interim arrangements to maximise the opportunity for single dwelling exemptions on residential mid sized blocks in greenfield estates, whilst ensuring adequate amenity and high quality development outcomes. Accordingly a draft interim list of possible technical amendments to precinct codes for single dwellings on mid size blocks (>250m2 to 500m2 inclusive) has been prepared.
Your comments on the draft interim list are invited by 31 March 2009. The list can be obtained by following the link to the ACTPLA website below.
If you have queries, please do not hesitate to contact Caroline Sayers on 62071719.