The following is an invitation to a Public Forum on the potential development of Molonglo received from the ACT Greens:
The Greens have a vision for Molonglo
The Greens want Canberra’s next large urban development to be a development for the future not the past. We see it as a great place for people and the environment.
We have launched a discussion paper. A link to the paper can be found here
The ACT Greens look forward to receiving feedback from the community on our proposed plans. We will be holding a number of events to discuss Molonglo over the coming weeks.
The first event will be a public forum and will be held on Tuesday 9 March, at the ACT Legislative Assembly Reception Room at 5.30 for 6pm – 7.30pm. There will be speakers to address the issues raised within the paper.
All interested parties are welcome to attend!
Please send any feedback on this proposal to us by Friday 9th April. Submissions can be sent to lecouteur@parliament.act.gov.au. If you would like more information, please contact Caroline Le Couteur’s office on 6205 0051. If you would prefer, Caroline Le Couteur would be happy to discuss the Molonglo proposal with you group. Please contact the office 6205 0051 to arrange a convenient time and place.Hope to see you on the Tuesday 9 March
The discussion paper has been reproduced below:
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I’m a Greens member and I was at the general meeting last night (Mon 15th).
I have a comment about the goal of one car per household for the Molonglo development. Does this take into account the number of people in the household or the amount of use the car gets? Although it is only a goal and would not be prescribed, I think the goal is too simplistic (and likely to attract bad publicity) if it does not take these other factors into account.
Judy Greenfield