Plastic bags are widely used in all communities but can pose a threat to the environment.
The ACT Government wants to know whether Canberrans are concerned by their use and if so what should be done about it.
Do you want to ban them? Introduce a levy? Or encourage the use of other types of bags? Please have your say on this issue and help us get the best policy in place.
Telephone surveys have already commenced while there will also be the opportunity to have a say through consultation sessions taking place in shopping centres.
[update: 31 August 2009]
An online forum and survey (moderated by consultants “Bang the Table”) is now online at the following web address:
The ACT Government is holding consultation sessions in shopping centres around the Territory for you to put forward your view.
The dates and locations are listed below:
- Sunday August 30 Belconnen Fresh Food Markets 9am-12pm
- Tuesday 1 September Westfield Belconnen 9am-5pm
- Wednesday 2 September Canberra Centre 9am-5pm
- Sunday 6 September Tuggeranong Hyperdome 9am-5pm
- Tuesday 8 September Gungahlin Marketplace 9am-5pm
- Wednesday 9 September Tuggeranong Hyperdome 9am-5pm
- Tuesday 15 September Cooleman Court 9am-5pm
- Wednesday 16 September Erindale Shopping Centre 9am-5pm
- Thursday 17 September Woden Plaza 9am-5pm
The consultation process will assist the Government with clarifying the issues surrounding the use of plastic bags in the community, assessing the feasibility of alternatives and will align government vision with the development of a future waste strategy for the ACT
If Canberra was near the coast we could understand the concern, but the lack of, to our knowledge, of any Dolphins or any Jellyfish eating wild life living in any of the Canberra Lakes, which we are advised by the Greens as being one of the main reasons for the ban, would suggest there is no need for the ban in Canberra.
As for plastic bags taking a 100 years to break down, try leaving one out in the sun for a month & see what happens to it.
We agree 100% with the coments made by Paul Grey of permalink.
Please do “NOT” ban plastic bags in the A.C.T,
Brian & Margaret
While I support government initiatives to reduce the use of plastic bags I strongly disagree with the Green’s push to ban their free supply by supermarkets. These bags are extremely useful for rubbish-bib liners and I would simply be pushed into buying overpriced bags commercially. I would resent any move to tax or ban plastic bags.
I also feel that the ACT government should make it easier to properly dispose of mercury-gas-filled lightbulbs. The current requirement to deliver them to waste centres such as Mugga Lane means that many people will simply throw them into their garbage.