The ABC News is reporting that ACT Government expressed strong concerns in its submission to the Canberra Airport Draft Masterplan about the impact that a 24/7 freight hub would have in terms of impact on the community.
Submission outlines ACT Govt’s airport fears
The ACT Government says it is unclear how Canberra Airport’s role as a 24-hour freight hub will affect the quality of life in nearby suburbs.
The airport’s 20 year master plan was last week approved by the Federal Government.
It envisages a significant increase in the number of night flights as Canberra’s role as a freight hub grows.
In its submission to the plan – only recently made public – the ACT Government says there is not enough detail to work out how to plan for managing the noise and traffic impacts on the Canberra community.
It expects community concern about impact on residential amenity to continue.
The ACT Government also repeats its concerns about the impact on local planning of retail and office development on airport land.
It noted there was no mechanism by which the airport contributed to the cost of upgrading infrastructure such as roads.
The ACT Government Submission is reproduced below:
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Note: copyright of the material in this clipping resides with Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: ABC News Online