On the 14 August 2009 ABC News reported that the ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) in close liaison with the Department of Territory and Municipal Services and other key government and community stake-holders has reviewed the original ACT Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (SBMP) from January 2005 and is seeking community input on the next iteration of the plan – Version Two.
The revised plan will provide an updated and clear guide on the management of bushfire risk in the Territory. Several residential areas including North Canberra have been included in a danger area referred to as the “Ember Zone”
The Plan is available for inspection from 14 August 2009 through to 4 September 2009. Written comments on the draft Plan will be received until 25 September 2009. A copy of the SBMP version two can be accessed from the ESA website.
Copies of the SBMP version two are also available for viewing at ACT libraries and ACT Canberra Connect Shopfronts. Viewing of the Plan and large format maps can also be undertaken at the ACT ESA Headquarters- 123 Carruthers Street, Curtin.
Comments on this draft Plan can be addressed to:
The Commissioner
ACT Emergency Services Agency
PO Box 104 Curtin
ACT 2605or emailed to:
Note: copyright of the material in the video clips resides with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: ABC News (Canberra) 14 August 2009