Invitation to Comment: The Review of the Mental Health (Treatment & Care) Act 1994 (Closing 29 January 2010)

The purpose of the Review of the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (the Act) is to ensure the Act reflects best practice in mental health law, as it has developed over the last 10 years. The introduction of the ACT Human Rights Act 2004 (the HR Act), and the required review for compatibility with the HR Act, provides an appropriate context in which the Review will be carried out. The purpose of the review The purpose of the Review of the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994 (the Act) is to ensure the Act reflects best practice …

Consultation: Mental health and suicide prevention (Closing 21 July 2009)

ACT Health is currently conducting public consultations on the following documents: Building a Strong Foundation: Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the ACT 2009-2014; and Managing the Risk of Suicide Two: A suicide prevention strategy for the ACT 2009-2014. All documentation including feedback questions are available at There will be two public consultations sessions occurring in the North Canberra Area, as well as sessions in Belconnen and Tuggeranong: