WIN News: Appeal Averted (Australian Heritage Village Redevelopment, Watson)

WIN News ran a piece on 11 March 2010 about how a legal challenge to the redevelopment on the Australian Heritage Village site has been averted: [youtube]c3KlOZEnSH4&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube] Note: copyright of the material in the video clips resides with the WIN Television. Usage permitted in accordance with the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Section 42: Fair dealing for purpose of reporting news. Source: WIN News (Canberra) – 26 November 2009

Crimestoppers: Suspicious fire, Dickson (29 November 2009)

ACT Policing is investigating the cause of a fire at Dickson early this morning. Just after 3.15am police were called to a block of commercial premises in Cape Street where a storeroom and restaurant was alight. Officers from ACT Fire Brigade extinguished the fire however the storeroom and restaurant sustained major damage. Neighbouring businesses also sustained some minor smoke damage. [youtube]wW6nnh0PTdo&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]

"Daily On Demand" – our elected representatives now under video scrutiny

On 10 November 2009, WIN News (Canberra) ran an interesting article on how the ACT Legislative Assembly will be trialling their “Daily On Demand” a video-on-demand system that will allow the public to view many official activities of the Assembly and its elected members. This system will allow the electorate to view exactly what occurred and see the complete context of speeches, debates and question time with all the subtle nuances such as behaviour, tone of voice, attitude and body language – all factors that are lost when relying on a written Hansard record. [youtube]fqiEGuK09qs&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]

Lake Burley Griffin heads National Trust list of the top Australian heritage places at risk

ABC Television news ran the following story on 24 October 2009 about Lake Burley Griffin heading the list of the top Australian heritage places at risk. The problem for the lake stems from potential inappropriate development along the foreshores. [youtube]R8nkVQEtK7I&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]

WIN News: Wildfire Welfare

On Tuesday 06 October 2009, WIN News ran a story confirming separate concerns held by the Friends of Grasslands (reported in the news story from the ABC) that proposed expansion of the Airport would have a detrimental effect on local endangered and threatened grasslands and fauna. In this story the ACT Commissioner for the Environment – Maxine Cooper also confirms that she holds grave concerns about the proposed expansion of the Airport and a proposed northern road. The Canberra Airport claims it has “approval with conditions” for the road in their Draft Environmental Strategy for this road when in reality …