Public submissions with regard to Majura Parkway Draft EIS now available online.

ACTPLA has made available public submissions in regard to the Majura Parkway – Draft Environmental Impact Statement. To access these submissions click on the following link to the ACTPLA Draft Environmental Impact Statement webpage and scroll down to towards the bottom of the page (NOTE: there is no shortcut to jump directly to the submissions!).

Canberra Airport master plan, mixed bag with no real industry support

In November 2008, the Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese rejected Canberra International Airport’s draft master plan on the grounds that it did not provide enough detail on the proposal to develop the airport into a freight hub and the airport’s community consultation had been insufficient. The Minister was quoted at the time as saying “The public have the right to know how this development could impact on their homes and the airport’s response to these concerns has been inadequate.” As a result of the rejection of the original master plan the Airport has had 180 days to resubmit their revised …

NCCC Submission to Canberra Airport Draft Preliminary Master Plan 2009

The North Canberra Community Council recently made a submission in response to the Canberra Airport Preliminary Master Plan 2009. The key recommendations from the NCCC submission are: That the PDMP 2009 should be rejected. That a 11pm to 6am night time curfew be introduced in Canberra. That the consultation process should be revised before CIA is allowed to present its revised PDMD to prevent conflicts of interest. Consultation should be carried out by policy-making government agencies, like Airservices Australia, not by CIA. A full copy of the NCCC submission is also available for download in PDF format. [scribd id=18961458 key=key-2hz0td552qcq7m7n8khl]

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry into the Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry the Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008. Bill posting refers to the act of putting up posters, notices or placards on any public property like light poles, walls, trees, bus shelters, fences etc and on private property without permission of the owner. The bill proposes to amend the Crimes Act 1900 (s120) so that strict liability  applies to bill posting. A strict liability offence is one without a fault element, so  there is no need to prove intent, …

Invitation for Submissions: Inquiry into ACT Government Procurement

The ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Public Accounts is seeking public submissions for their Inquiry into ACT Government Procurement. The Legislative Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee has resolved, on its own motion, to conduct an inquiry into ACT Government procurement. Government procurement comprises a significant part of the economy and in the case of the Australian Capital Territory, constitutes a significant part of the ACT Government’s expenditure. The Committee’s inquiry, amongst other things, will examine: the pursuit by ACT Government agencies of the procurement principle—value for money; the integration of sustainability considerations that encompass environmental, economic and social aspects throughout procurement processes; and the effectiveness of recent reforms, including amendments to the Government Procurement Act 2001 in 2007.