Something to say – Some Suggested Changes

Something to say – Some Suggested Changes

Thank you for the NCCC’s new “Your Say” ‘feature’.

To judge by the dearth of substantive Comments made related to actual DAs, I won’t expect too much!

Also, I suggest that what is immediately needed is a link to the NCCC’s mediation/editorial Policy regarding such matters as One’s Say being offensive, trolling, being off-topic, and of course not being defamatory.  Having posted a few comments myself related to particular DAs, I can only wonder at this stage whatever those NCCC civil society conventions may be, and indeed, who is the NCCC Moderator?

A Solomon come among us, I trust?

Whatever, Your Say is a potentially ‘courageous’ initiative!

I must observe that I remain mildly puzzled about the seeming ‘hiding’ of the (presumably still) contentious Raiders’ Club Braddon redevelopment cum ‘deconcessionalisation’ proposals under ‘Environment Water Energy’ with its having no readily apparent (to me) listing under ‘Braddon’?

Block and Section numbers are not particularly helpful, especially without any associated Street Addresses, and a summary of the DA itself.

Particularly, I am not sure how one is supposed to follow, let alone comment reasonably upon DAs if the threads of the NCCC postings, and the related Minutes of NCCC deliberations, and of any posted Comments, are not readily able to be considered in a linked NCCC chronology.

Lastly, the Minutes of NCCC Meetings (when a quorum can be mustered) are often rather too pithy for my liking. For example, what is the basis of the Lyneham Commons proposals which was explained to those who happened to be present, but where the summary record of what was information was provided, etc., is hardly illuminating. Perhaps the Commons ‘powerpoint ?’ material should be posted by the group in Your Say ? (Their social media isn’t revealing much.) Good luck!

John Douglas

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