The NCCC Committee has been undertaking preparations for the Annual General Meeting, which is now scheduled to be held on Wednesday 17 November. Anyone who may be interested in nominating for election to the Committee can find out more detail on the nomination process as specified in the NCCC Constitution (see paragraphs 71-83).
Notice of nominations should be provided to the Secretary by 10 November.
NCCC updates
- Canberra Technology Park update: The ACT Government recently provided the NCCC with an update on the sale and demolition process for the Technology Park at Watson. The first stage of demolition (and remediation of asbestos) has been completed. The second stage is not expected to commence prior to 2024.
The next stage of the process is for AIE to undertake pre-Development Application consultation. - Successful appeal to the YWCA Canberra planning approval: The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal has ordered the reversal of the approval of YWCA Canberra’s proposed supported accommodation units in Ainslie, following an appeal lodged by the Ainslie Residents Association. The association has called for the ACT Government to compensate residents who lodge successful appeals against DAs where the planning agency might reasonably have been expected to identify the issue in the initial review process.
The NCCC considers the successful appeal indicates that there is a serious problem of insufficient compliance management and development oversight of DAs in the ACT. - Register a tree: The Ainslie Residents Association has recently put together a short guide on how to register a tree in your local area to get it greater protection in the planning process. Noting the ongoing concern around the decline in tree canopy cover in older suburbs, registered trees have the highest level of protection against removal. Further detail on the registration process can be accessed via the Ainslie Residents Association website.
You can find out about new DAs in your area, including information on how to lodge a submission, by accessing this ACT Government website or by visiting the NCCC website.
Local news and updates
- Acton Waterfront park design: In the most recent ACT Budget, the ACT Government committed $2.8 million to design the new waterfront park at the Acton Waterfront. The initial details on the proposed park can be accessed here, with the community consultation period expected to commence from early 2022.
Financial Update
The NCCC’s current balance as of September 2021 is $2,421.
Since the July update, the annual independent review of the NCCC’s finances for the 2020-21 year has been completed and the proposals for the 2021-22 year have been provided to the NCCC for consideration.