The ACT Government is developing a Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) Checks system as part of its commitment to the support and protection of vulnerable people in the ACT. The checking system will assist in reducing the incidence of abuse of vulnerable persons. Abuse can include sexual, physical, emotional or financial harm or neglect.
The Discussion Paper presents options and proposals for the establishment of a WWVP Checking System in the ACT. The community is encouraged to consider the discussion paper and lodge a written submission expressing their views on a WWVP Checking System in the ACT that best meets the needs of vulnerable people and service providers.
To aid consideration of responses, submissions should be structured to reflect the section headings of the discussion paper.
- Factsheets and copies of the discussion paper can be obtained at
- To participate in an online forum on this topic, please visit:
For more information concerning the development of the system or to register your interest in participating in the community consultation process, please contact:
Matthew Munro
Policy Manager
Phone: (02) 6205 8329
Email: closing date for submissions to be made is 12 October 2009.
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