In 2004, the ACT Government released the Sustainable Transport Plan, establishing long-term targets to increase the number of people using sustainable transport modes like public transport, walking and cycling, and promoting integrated transport and land use planning.
In 2009, the ACT Government is developing a Sustainable Transport Action Plan, which will set out how the Government will implement the Sustainable Transport Plan in the short to medium term – from 2010 – 2016.
The Sustainable Transport Action Plan will consist of four strategies governing how we move around our city and our region. These four aspects of the integrated transport system – parking, public transport, cycling and walking, and transport infrastructure – require detailed planning and strategic policy thinking.
The ACT Government can’t plan for a sustainable Canberra without your help – you can have your say on the shape of the Sustainable Transport Action Plan and its four strategies by completing a short survey at , or by visiting the Bang the Table discussion forum at
For further information please call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or visit
Closing dates for the forums are 30 September 2009.