The ACT Government have issued the following media release regarding the Dickson Shops re-development. Thius will be discussed at the North Canberra Community Council meeting on 19 July 2016:
After thorough assessment against ACT planning requirements the planning and land authority has approved the revised Dickson Coles Supermarket proposal, Gary Rake Deputy Director-General of the Environment and Planning Directorate announced today.
“I am pleased that we have been able to make a decision on this application, which will provide two new supermarkets for the inner-north community,” Mr Rake said.
“Today’s decision takes into account aesthetics and design issues as well as community concerns raised during two public consultation periods.
“The development will be an asset to the local community and will integrate well with the current Dickson shopping precinct,” Mr Rake said.
The planning and land authority originally refused the Dickson mixed use supermarket development on 20 May 2015, following a number of concerns around the quality of the design and interface with the surrounding area.
Following the refusal last year the proponents have responded to both the Authority’s assessments and community concern. Key differences include:
- Active shop-fronts facing the Badham Street
- Attractive and safe pedestrian environment and connections
- Improved connections with the existing Dickson shopping area
- Contemporary building materials and textures, including colour variations, awnings and louvers
- A reduced number of loading doors to Antill Street, which now ensures all truck movements are contained within the loading dock area and will not spill out on to the surrounding street.
“The revised proposal from the developer included a number of improvements to the original application, however, the Authority also imposed additional conditions to further improve the outcome for the community,” Mr Rake said.
“I am also working closely with the Dickson Traders to address parking demand during construction of the new supermarkets and apartments. This will include specific and binding requirements in the Deed associated with the site lease.
“We are very confident that we can help customers continue to find parking close to the centre while workers will be able to park around the periphery of the centre. Following construction there will be in excess of 450 parking spaces available on site for customers and the general public to use.
“A coordinated effort to address parking challenges during construction will continue over the coming months, more information will be distributed to the public prior to construction beginning later this year.
“Dickson is already a great place to shop and to eat out. We will be putting a lot of effort into encouraging customers to keep coming to Dickson,” Mr Rake said.
Still a very poor set up at ground level for people walking and cycling